Hi ever one
Been working on the Trailer today the only thing is i got so in to welding that i for got to get any photos of what i was doing , But i will get some taken ASAP and up this post.
But any hooo back to the Subject what i have to do was finish the part of the trailer witch holds the bow in place, witch i had to fabricate From 60mm and 50mm Box Steel and a 1" steel tube, witch i had to heat up and bend into shape to fit the contours of the Bow .
I also made a couple of fixing brackets at the rear of the trailer out off some threaded screw bar heat and bent into a U shape and then welded into place.
Now i can secure the back of the boat when on the move.
All I've got to do now is the Mud guards the reason i couldn't do them is because the trailer is a twin axle and i purchased four individual mud guards to fix on, But because the two axles are a little to close the guards wont fit properly, so now i have got sell those and buy some double guards instead .
Well that's about it for now.
So as soon as i take the Pictures ill up date so you can see for your self's ....
Hi all, Here's the pictures of what has been done + what was done today as-well ..
This is the welding that was done before i took photo of it as it was be fabricated , better late than never ..
In these pic's all the fixtures and fitting are now being put on .
My son wes looking bizzy well trying to look it Lol, cleaning the windows .
in this one the Speedo tube and white thingy has been put on now + fenders .
see the two stainless steel U bolts on either side of the boat , i was reading other peoples Blogs and looking at the Pic's and videos that they had put on when i noticed that there boat had the same thing on there's but they have straps on there's to hold the boat in place to the trailer, which i thought was a very good idea so i had it done to mine as well ...
Wes still trying to look bizzy cleaning the windows ...
And here is the front end of the trailer all done and painted in galvanized under coat ready for painting in black paint ..
All new instrument clocks and fuse board witches.
And new upholstered seats and fresh Varnish in the cabin ..
Well that's it for the moment . Oh i forgot im gonna be putting it in the water hopefully on Monday for the first time in a long time. i will be taking photo's of it in the water and i might ever get my eldest s son Video camera and video it as well ..
Ok see ya for now ...
My husband wanted to build a trailer for our boat and he wanted one that's a lot wider because he worries too much that it might not have a good hold on the boat even if his dad's boat trailer is just right for the boat. Gladly I was able to convince him and he built a trailer just like that to hold a boat that has a size close to yours.
ReplyDeleteOdessa Coldiron
Great work right there! How were you able to attach it to your car? What type of joint did you use? You finished it by the second half of the summer, were you still able to use it often? Sorry for being curious but we've been planning to build our own trailer for what could possibly be a new boat.
ReplyDeleteDelena Millener
Sorry for taking so long getting answer to this , the type on hook that used in the UK is just a standard 50mm ball towing hitch and Bradley 50mm Lock-It Coupling Head on the trailer , and the join that was used to extend the trailer was a peace of 2/2 box section of steel put in side the 3/3 box and then welded together. and then a couple of plates just to give a little extra strength. no we could not use the trailer as the boat was to long to fit on it . all i can say is to how long it will take is how long is a peace of string it all depends on the person who is welding it together, how good are they at welding . hope this helps Paul ...